Edmond North High School Athletics

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Husky Golf Team Records
Largest Margin of Victory
18 Holes

36 Holes
54 Holes
27 strokes

59 strokes
57 strokes
2007 Twin States Lawton Invitational

2014 Denton Invitational
2014 Class 6-A State Championship
Most Times Broke 300 (season)212006
Most Times Broke 600 (season)102006
Most Times Broke 300 In a Row202007
Most Players to Average Under 80182006
Most Players to Average Under 75102007
Most Scores Under 70 (Season)332007
Most All-Conference Players52007
Most All-State Players21995, 1996 1998, 2007
Most Consecutive Victories in Same Event5Edmond North Invitational
From 1994-1998
Most Consecutive Victories9
From 1994 Regional to 1995 Metro Conference
From 2006 Gaillardia T of C to Norman North Inv.
Most Consecutive Top 3 Finishes28From 1994 Lawton Invitational to 1996 Bluejay Bash
Most Tournaments In a Row With at Least One Player in Top 1059All tournaments 1994 to 1998
(Ended in Ponca City – 1999)
Best Comeback to Win (last 18)16 strokes1995 Southern Ok. Inv.
Most Rounds in a Row Under 320101From 2003 Ponca City to 2007 6A State Championship
Most Rounds Par or Better (season)16In 2007
Best 18-Hole Team Average280.05In 2007
Teams to Have 1-2-3 Finish at State Meet1994, 2007
Only Team to Win State in 1st Appearance1994
Only team to win Class 5-A State Meet in 1st Appearance1995
Win State 5-A in 1st Two Appearances1995 & 1996
Only team to not have a score over 80 at the State Meet 3 years in row1994, 1995 & 1996
Only team to lead State Meet going into final round 5 years in row1994 to 1998
Has Top 3 Finisher at State Meet 5 years in a row1994 to 1998
All Five team members in Top Ten at State2007, 2014 (top 7)
Most Team Wins in a season112006, 2007
Teams to Win 3 State championships in a row1994, 1995 & 1996 & 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018
Only Team to shoot under 300 every round they played20 rounds2007
Teams to shoot under 600 every 36 hole event played6
Lowest score to par by a team in a season-912007
Husky Golf Individual Records
Most Victories (Career)15Kevin Tway
Austin Eckroat
Most Consecutive Victories4Chris James
Most Victories (Season)7Kevin Tway (2007)
Most Top 3 Finishes (Career)28Kevin Tway (2004-2007)
Austin Eckroat (2014-2017)
Most Top 5 Finishes (Career)35Austin Eckroat (2014-2017)
Most Top 10 Finishes (Career)41Austin Eckroat (2014-2017)
Most Top 3 In a Row11Robert Streb (2005)
Most Top 5 In a Row11Robert Streb (2005)
Kevin Tway (2007)
Most Top 10 In a Row11Robert Streb (2005)
Kevin Tway (2007)
Will Kropp (2008)
Austin Eckroat (2014-2017)
Laken Hinton (2014-2017)
Lowest Average (Season)68.47Kevin Tway (2007)
Lowest Average (Career)71.65Austin Eckroat
Most Rounds Under 70 (Career)21Kevin Tway
Austin Eckroat
Most Rounds 70 and Under (Career)28Austin Eckroat
Most Rounds Under 70 (Season)12Kevin Tway (2007)
Most Rounds Under 70 (Freshman)
Most Rounds Under 70 (Sophomores)
Austin Eckroat (2014)
Kevin Tway (2005)
Most Rounds Under 70 (Juniors)6Will Kropp (2007)
Most Rounds Under 70 (Seniors)
Most Rounds in a Row Under Par
Kevin Tway (2007)
Geoff Shaw (2006)
Kevin Tway (2007)
Most Rounds In a Row Par or Better6
Chris James (????)
Zac Reynolds (2003)
Geoff Shaw (2006)
Kevin Tway (2007)
Austin Eckroat (2017)
Most Par or Better 36-Holes22Austin Eckroat
Most Par or Better 18-Holes44Austin Eckroat
Most Par or Better 54-Holes2Austin Eckroat
Both Rounds of a 36-Hole Tournament in the 60’s5Austin Eckroat
Largest Victory Margin 18-Holes4 strokesKevin Tway (2005)
Edmond Invitational
Largest Victory Margin 36-Holes9 strokesChris James
1995 Metro Conference
Largest Victory Margin 54-Holes7 strokesAustin Eckroat 2017 Pine Tree Twisted 54 Tournament - TX
Most Rounds In a Row Under 8079Austin Eckroat
Most Competitive Rounds80Zac Reynolds